How to resolve author missing field url (optional) Structured Data Error in Blogger

In this post, I will describe how to resolve author missing field url (optional) Structured Data Error in both the Structured Data Testing Tool and Schema Markup Validator for Default Blogger Themes, like Essential, Notable, Contempo, Soho, and Emporio.

I will also describe how to replace the default Blogger Image and Publisher Logo and site Name with your own Default Image, Publisher Site Logo, and Publisher Site Name.

Edit the Blogger Themes and Find this Code:

Default JSON Meta Data in Blogger

And find the Default JSON Structured Data embedded in Default Blogger Themes shown below:

<b:includable id='postMetadataJSONImage'>
&quot;image&quot;: {
&quot;@type&quot;: &quot;ImageObject&quot;,
<b:if cond='data:post.featuredImage.isResizable'>
&quot;url&quot;: &quot;<b:eval expr='resizeImage(data:post.featuredImage, 1200, &quot;1200:630&quot;)'/>&quot;,
&quot;height&quot;: 630,
&quot;width&quot;: 1200
&quot;url&quot;: &quot;;,
&quot;height&quot;: 348,
&quot;width&quot;: 1200
<b:includable id='postMetadataJSONPublisher'>
&quot;publisher&quot;: {
&quot;@type&quot;: &quot;Organization&quot;,
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;Blogger&quot;,
&quot;logo&quot;: {
&quot;@type&quot;: &quot;ImageObject&quot;,
&quot;url&quot;: &quot;;,
&quot;width&quot;: 206,
&quot;height&quot;: 60

You have to remove all the above JSON Structured Data and replace it with the JSON Structured Data Code given below:

<b:includable id='postMetadataJSONImage'>
&quot;image&quot;: {
&quot;@type&quot;: &quot;ImageObject&quot;,
<b:if cond='data:post.featuredImage.isResizable'>
&quot;url&quot;: &quot;<b:eval expr='resizeImage(data:post.featuredImage, 1200, &quot;1200:630&quot;)'/>&quot;,
&quot;height&quot;: 630,
&quot;width&quot;: 1200
&quot;url&quot;: &quot;;,
&quot;height&quot;: 348,
&quot;width&quot;: 1200
<b:includable id='postMetadataJSONPublisher'>
&quot;publisher&quot;: {
&quot;@type&quot;: &quot;Organization&quot;,
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;Blogger&quot;,
&quot;logo&quot;: {
&quot;@type&quot;: &quot;ImageObject&quot;,
&quot;url&quot;: &quot;;,
&quot;width&quot;: 206,
&quot;height&quot;: 60
&quot;author&quot;: {
&quot;@type&quot;: &quot;Person&quot;,
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;<>&quot;,
&quot;url&quot;: &quot;<>&quot;,
&quot;image&quot;: &quot;<>&quot;

The image URLs shown in Red Color should be replaced with your Default Image and Publisher Name Blogger with the name of your site [ ] and the Blogger Logo with your Site Logo.

Note: Please Back-up your Blogger Template before making the changes described in this post. 
