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Mohini Yantra to Enchant Cherished Sweetheart

In this article, is described a Mohini Yantra that has the supernatural ability and occult power to influence and bind any cherished woman under a Mohini Enchantment Spell. There are two ways to unlock the power of this Mohini Yantra and both ways have been given in this article. 

Mohini is the only feminine manifestation of Bhagwan Vishnu and she is considered to be the ultimate enchantress who can enchant even the demons. Hence, Mohini-Vashikaran Spells can be very effective, if they are practiced correctly.

The first way to make and utilize the supernatural force of this Stri Mohini Yantra:
The Mohini Yantra should be drawn on a Bhojpatra with the Milk of a Fully Black Colored Goat or Kali Bakri in Hindi during the Kaal of a Pushya Nakshatra.
Mohini Spell of Enchantment
To use it to enchant the cherished sweetheart, the enchanter should take her name and concentrate on her and then keep the Stri Mohini Yantra in a locket and wear it around his right upper arm. This makes the cherished beloved come on her own to the enchanter and behave like his servant and make every effort to please him.

The second way to unlock the power of this Mahila Mohini Yantra: The enchanter should make the Mohini Yantra on red paper with Chandana or Sandalwood Paste and then after it dries up; urinate on it and then secretly stick it on the saree or dress of the cherished beloved to captivate her under a most powerful voodoo love spell.

Disclaimer: All the contents of this post are derived from Indian Mohini Tantra Scriptures and we take no responsibility for the success or failure of this Mohini Yantra.  Please do not misuse the Mohini Yantra for malicious motives.


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