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Seven Indian Upay to Remove Every Kind of Fear

In this article, I have written about seven supernatural Indian Remedies to remove every kind of fear and phobia. These Hindu supernatural remedies make use of some specific plants, which are said to possess magical and supernatural properties.

1] Lighting a Mustard Oil Lamp to Remove All Fear: Every day or whenever under the grip of fear and dread, the Sadhak should go to a lonely and unpopulated place and light a Mitti Ka Diya or Clay Lamp filled with Sarson Ka Tel or Mustard Oil after putting a Clove in the Oil. This simple and uncomplicated Totka will remove all kinds of fear and dread, including unknown fear.

2] Remedy to Remove Fear of Attacks By Weapons: If apprehensive of attacks by weapons, like knives, swords, or guns, the Sadhak should offer water to a Peepal Tree after sunset on six consecutive Saturdays.

3] Removal of Fear of Snakes: If suffering from fear and phobia of snakes, including extreme fear or Ophidiophobia, the Sadhak should bring home a portion of the Root of Giloy Plant / Tinospora cordifolia during the period of the Pushya Nakshatra falling on a Sunday.

Hindu Supernatural Remedies to Remove Fear

He should make Beads of the Giloy Root and weave the Beads in a thread to make a Mala and wear the Mala around his neck, like a protective talisman. This supernatural remedy removes all fears of snakes, including Ophidiophobia.

4] Removing Fear of Mishaps and Inauspicious Occurrences: Wearing a Charm of Black Datura / Datura stramonium around the neck during the period of the Pushya Nakshatra Falling on a Sunday will remove the fear and phobia of mishaps and unwanted happenings.

5] Remedy to Remove Every Kind of Fear and Phobia:
If suffering from a wide and diverse range of fears and phobias, the Sadhak should bring home a portion of the Root of Dhaman / Grewia tiliifolia Plant and wear it as a talisman around his right upper arm during the specific period of the Ashlesha Nakshatra or Alpha Hydrae in English.

This supernatural remedy can also be practiced during the same period by replacing the Root of Dhaman with a portion of the Root of the Amla Plant or Indian gooseberry. The effects will be the same.

6] Supernatural Remedy to Remove Fear of Fire and Wild Animals: Bringing home a portion of the Root of the Safed Aak / Apple of Sodom Plant and wearing it around the right upper arm will remove the fear of wild animals and fire.

7] Remedy to Remove Fear of Snakes in the House: Keeping a portion of the Root of Nirgundi / Chinese chastetree or Vitex negundo Plant will remove fear and phobia relating to snakes in the house.


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